What You Should Know About Orthodontics Treatment

Dentist inserting orthodontic retainers, Nikon Z7

Orthodontics treatment focuses on the diagnosis and correction of teeth misalignment and jaw irregularities (malocclusions) through appliances like braces or clear aligners. It can also improve a patient’s overall oral health and help them avoid tooth decay, gum disease, and facial sagging.

A Straight Smile with an Orthodontist

People want to have a straight smile because it looks good and makes them feel more confident in their appearance. It also helps promote overall oral health and a healthy bite, which reduces the risk of injury while eating and speaking.

A dentist can also diagnose and treat common issues like crooked teeth, an overbite or underbite, and crowding problems. They can also reshape the lips, jaw, or face to help a person look and feel their best.

The most common type of orthodontic treatment is with braces, but there are other appliances as well, including clear aligners. While some patients experience discomfort with all orthodontic devices, the majority of patients find them comfortable.

Metal Braces

The metal brackets and wires that you’ll see on your teeth are used for fixed braces, and they’re made from materials like ceramic to help them blend in with your natural teeth. These appliances are generally effective in treating most types of malocclusion.

Ceramic Braces

If you choose ceramic braces, your treatment time will be shorter and more discreet than with metal braces, as they are often the same color as your teeth. In addition, they’re easier to keep clean, as you can brush and floss more easily when wearing ceramic braces.

Pain During Treatment

The first few weeks of teeth straightening can be uncomfortable and painful, but most patients report that the pain is mild or moderate, especially if they have a metal allergy. Fortunately, over-the-counter pain medications can alleviate any discomfort that you may experience during your treatment period.

Early Intervention is Important for Children

Most orthodontic treatment starts in childhood, so it’s important to schedule a visit to an orthodontist as soon as possible after the milk teeth have come in and all permanent teeth have erupted. Getting this treatment early can help prevent more serious issues from developing, which could require more invasive dental surgery or treatment in later years.

Usually, treatment with braces takes 18-24 months, but it can take longer or shorter depending on the severity of the problem and the specific method used. Maintaining excellent oral hygiene, keeping up with your appointments, and following your orthodontist’s instructions will all help to minimize your treatment time.

Your Child Needs an Orthodontist?

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that kids receive their initial orthodontic evaluation at the first sign that they have an issue, but no later than 7 years old. This is when they have enough permanent teeth to get a good idea of their bite and any potential orthodontic problems.

A teen or young adult with orthodontic issues is also at high risk for dental complications, such as broken or impacted teeth and gum infections. A well-aligned bite and smile can help to prevent these issues from occurring, so everyone in the family must see an orthodontist for routine checkups and treatment if necessary. Find out more details in relation to this topic here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthodontics.

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